Sunday, September 12, 2010


Yesterday, I spent my first 9/11 anniversary away from home.

For me, beyond the politics, beyond the causes and the effects, it is a day that saw a lot of loss of life. In an era when communication has made the world a much smaller place, people all over the world knew nearly instantaneously what had happened. Tragedies, loss, pain, death happens everyday. It was the first time I felt so connected to a tragedy in that large of scale. I didn't know anyone that died that day or that was directly effected, but I felt a connection to my country. I felt the attack on my country and our way of life.

It wasn't that the world changed, it was that, as Americans we became more aware of the rest of the world. In many ways we had this Epcot Center idea of the rest of the world. Every country was cute with it's funny little clothes, their weird food, and their funny little language. They are on display when we visit other countries. We forget that they have their own political systems and forces. We aren't at the center of the universe. Not everyone loves us.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I watched an episode of Fifth Gear, an automobile news magazine show. I was thrilled to see truckpulling here in the Netherlands. On the show they followed a competition in Eindhoven. There are teams and competitions all over Europe as well as the US. As long as there have been tractors, there were tractor competitions. Before that I'm sure guys were competing with horses.

I was thrilled to see that there is a Dutch team that has been touring and competing in the US for a few months. Team Lambada even has some video on their website in Chicago. They are near the end of their 4 month tour. As you might have imagined, they even picked up a Longest Distance traveled award.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Poems of Leiden

The Poems of Leiden website was one of the first things I discovered when googling Leiden. When I was still in the process of looking at schools I found the site. It was one of the factors that made me feel a pull to Leiden. I haven't seen many while I've been here but they have been a lovely surpise when I do find them. It's like discovering a new treasure.

I love poetry and I often discover that even the most familiar poems have new meaning after new life experiences. When I'm learning a language I like to read poetry written in the language. I get a sense of the cadence of the language and see the language in a new context. I was glad to find a bilingual book of Dutch poetry I had since I was studying Dutch. It's been a pleasure to re-read it as a student again. The added experience of reading the poems in the country of origin of the poets gives it more meaning.

On an orientation tour of Leiden we came across the poem in the picture. This poem was familiar and I couldn't help reading it with new meaning after the last few months.

Here is my rough translation from the Spanish.


Why am I alive
and the glass is full of water
and the door closed
and the sky the same as yesterday
and the birds golden
and my mouth wet
and my books arranged?
Why am I dead
and the glass the same as yesterday
and the door golden
and the the sky full of water
and the birds aranged
and my mouth closed
and my books wet?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mussels Part 2

After discussing mussel cleaning techniques with a Belgian in the grocery store, I decided to try cleaning and steaming mussels again. I have to say it was far more successful this time. I did keep the rule that they should be closed before they are cooked and pop open when they are cooked. I have to say it is a little creepy to feel them close in your hand when you tap them. One of them kept opening up and I'd have to keep tapping it. It did shut every time. I tossed out just a few mussels this time and I didn't soak them in any water other than the water in which they were packaged. I did cook them within hours of buying them on Saturday. They were very delicious with just a little butter, white wine and shallots.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

the Euro €

I've been paying in cash at shops around Leiden. I do have to say that the Euro system and their denominations of coins and bills are very user friendly. Even the different sizes fo the I do miss single dollar bills but I do love gaining €2 coins. I really do enjoy looking at the Euro coins to see the national sides. The most exotic I've encountered so far has been a €1 from Finland. Most coins in my little change purse are German or Belgian.

This site has a nice little chart with all of the national sides of the Euro coins.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Van Meegeren's Fake Vermeers

Wednesday I heard about an exhibit at the Museum Boijmans Von Beuningen in Rotterdam. Van Meegeran's Fake Vermeers is an exhibit of ten of Han van Meegeren's most famous forgeries, most of which were Vermeer forgeries. He had developed a very elaborate technique that managed to fool several experts. He managed to sell The Supper at Emmaus to the Boijmans for a fortune. His downfall came after World War II. Whatw was believed to be a Vermeer painting, Christ with the Adulteress was found among the art that Nazi Leader and Hitler's designated successor, Herman Göring, had looted from all over Europe. An authentic Vermeer what have been considered Dutch cultural property. The painting was traced back to Han van Meegeren and was arrested on suspicion of collaboration. He admitted to selling the painting but also confessed to having produced the forgery. His trial was worldwide news, while in custody he even produced a forgery, Young Christ. The conspiracy charges were dropped and he was sentenced to 1 year in prison for fraud and forgery. Soon after the verdict he fell ill and died so he never served his sentence. This really is a fascinating story and if you do go to the exhibit website, there is a 12 min ArtTube video that is really full of information. The exhibit is closing soon.